Thursday, October 25, 2007

blog reviews

I read an interesting article on Kelsey's blog. The selection of the article within Kelsey’s blog attracted me to the link. It was both eye catching in writing style as well as content. Common, everyday items that we take for granted as design mistakes. Well push my buttons and call me a monkey’s uncle, I’m intrigued.

The article discussed major players and ideas in innovative design. Using technology, like computers and video games, to make difficult tasks user friendly. The thought of using a video game as a training device for medical students is outstanding.

It relates to my freshman seminar, Design Intelligence, because both the class and the article are about creating a product that is user friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and forward thinking.

Kelsey's blog
is just a click away.

i will write about it before class on fri

The second blog I found interesting
was Mr. Naufal Waffle's.

The comical idea of pulling a tab from the “tail” of a toy grasped my attention. Nevertheless, it made sense. Often one has no idea how to make something work due to a design flaw.

The website was interesting because it was a slide presentation of different design mistakes and possible solutions.

The link relates to class because it about how to make things work, and how to design something that feels right.

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